Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Beautiful Life

Its a beautiful life.

We live in a time where everything seems to be falling apart.  Our families are splintered, the economy is suffering, natural disasters are destroying lives one catastrophe at a time, and to top it all off we no longer believe in the people and organizations that we thought would protect us.  I won't even begin to discuss the political scandals, ponzi schemes, and an assortment of atrocities that would take way too much time if I tried to list them all.  Who can we trust?  Or better yet, who SHOULD we trust?

The majority of what is happening in this life doesn't seemingly scream beautiful.  To most people, it is the exact opposite.  TO MOST PEOPLE.

Today I was talking to a friend from work and he was telling me that his 2 week old daughter has been in the hospital.  He went on to explain that she was born with a hole in her heart the size of quarter.  I was stunned.  It's hard hearing stories about children who are born with serious illness and defects.  I started to feel  sadness.  I figured if I feel sad the surely he must be struggling, being that he is the father.

So I asked him if he was good.  He looked at me like I had 4 heads!

"Yeah!" He said.  "I'm strong!"

He continued by saying that people only worry and fall apart because they lose their faith.  "Ill never lose my faith.  I got more faith than anybody.  You can chop my neck off and I'ma still have faith!"

Faith is an action word. Faith allows us to see the beauty even when life gets ugly.  My friend could mope and call out of work because his daughter's life is literally in jeopardy.  And a lot of people would say he would be doing the right thing.  But his faith refused to let him dwell on the negativity that he had and I'm sure is still dealing with.

So I'm taking a page out of his book and I'm choosing to walk by faith and not by sight.

Life is beautiful that way!

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